How did Sharon get into Raw Foods? Here's her story. She is opening Green Life Cafe in November in West Columbia with take out and dine in options. Her forte is her desserts.
What can parents do for their kids? Start with desserts, zucchini "pasta," mock tuna salad, "cheese" nuts, raw cereal, flax seed crackers. A raw food meal takes 30 minutes tops!
Recommended appliances: a good blender (Vitamix), juicer (Champion), dehydrator (Excalibur) with Texlfex sheets. All of these can be purchased at 14 Carrot; their prices are better than most places.
Juicing is a great place to start because your body doesn't have to work at difficult digestion. Nutrients go straight to the cells and provide you with energy. The benefits are enormous.
Types of ingredients: organic fruits and vegetables, vinegars, cold pressed olive oils, sprouts. For desserts: coconut butter, cashews, maple syrup, seeds, nuts.
A raw food diet includes lots of greens!
Recommended books:
- Living on Live Food by Alissa Cohen
- How We All Went Raw by Charles Nungesser and Stephen Malachi
- Rawsome!: Maximizing Health, Energy, and Culinary Delight With the Raw Foods Diet by Brigitte Mars
- Books by Ani Phyo
- I Am Grateful: Recipes and Lifestyle of Cafe Gratitude by Terces Engelhart and Orchid
- RAWvolution: Gourmet Living Cuisine by Matt Amsden
- - Karen Ranzi's new book is Creating Healthy Children Through Attachment Parenting and Raw Foods
This was a great talk! I didn't know much about raw food before this, now my family is trying out some green smoothies and other raw snacks. Thank you!